ABOUT New IRS Project

New IRS Project

WHO recommends the rotation of insecticides for IRS for managing insecticide resistance in malaria vectors. New IRS insecticides with novel modes of actions to which vectors are largely susceptible are needed for improved control of resistant vector populations and for effective IRS rotations for insecticide resistance management. One of such newly developed insecticides for vector control demonstrated potential to control pyrethroid resistant malaria vectors in laboratory and semi-field experimental hut studies.
CREC/LSHTM will be evaluating this new IRS product evaluation in a community trial in Southern Benin in term of its efficacy and residual activity against pyrethroid resistant malaria vectors in comparison to Fludora® Fusion. The evaluation includes i) assessment of the impact of community IRS application on vector density, vector longevity, vector infectivity and Entomological Innoculation Rate (EIR); ii) assessment of the residual activity of the new IRS product applied for IRS on home walls and iii) assessment of its operational feasibility and community acceptance in Benin.
The trial started in 2020 and will run till 2022. The IRS products will be applied in about 9000 households organised in 16 clusters. CREC/LSHTM will work in collaboration with major local/national partners such as CREC, NMCP, Vectorlink and the University of Abomey Calavi.

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